Name : Bobby Lineaweaver
Age: 15
Location/Time-zone: California Pdt
Applying for?: Forum Mod
Experince(s) ETC
Reason to join the team: im friends with Kevin(Rising)
Experience(s): played maplestory for a year and a half not including private servers and 3 years combined of regular maplestory and private servers
Contact info?:
Personal hobbies: playing xbox live (GamerTag: xVaLonx), i like watching WWE wrestling and UfC mixed martial arts
Anything else to say?:
Favorite anime if any: not anime but i like FamilyGuy and the Simpsons
Requested GM IGN : <Pirate>
Name : Bobby Lineaweaver
Age: 15
Location/Time-zone: California Pdt
Applying for?: Forum Mod
Experince(s) ETC
Reason to join the team: im friends with Kevin(Rising)
Experience(s): played maplestory for a year and a half not including private servers and 3 years combined of regular maplestory and private servers
Contact info?:
Personal hobbies: playing xbox live (GamerTag: xVaLonx), i like watching WWE wrestling and UfC mixed martial arts
Anything else to say?:
Favorite anime if any: not anime but i like FamilyGuy and the Simpsons
Requested GM IGN : <Pirate>